Welcome to the month of March in LaunchED! This month is all about diving deeper into your learning and looking forward to finishing the school year strong. Please reach out to your teachers if you need support with any of your learning and we hope all of you have a wonderful start to Spring!

Important Dates & Upcoming Events:
March 17-21: Spring Break, no school!
April 2nd: Late Start for Students/Professional Learning for Teachers
Weeks of April 7-April 15: State Assessments in LaunchED (CMAS and PSAT/SAT–see schedule below)
April 28: No school for students

LaunchED: Picture of the Week

Four colorful abstract art pieces in polaroid frames featuring swirls, curves, and vibrant patterns.
Abstract Art prints

Continuing our theme of celebrating student art this month, check out these abstract art prints from our middle school students! Students experimented with digital drawing and painting tools to explore abstract and nonobjective art styles. They also reviewed color theory before choosing their color schemes. 

A huge thank you to our talented art teacher, Ms. Freeman for inspiring and empowering our students to embrace their artistic potential. Let’s celebrate the power of creativity together!
*Art by (Clockwise from top right): Anna, 12th grade; Alyce, 9th grade; Austin, 9th grade; Laniya, 12th grade

Congratulations to LaunchED Teacher of the Year, Maggie Lynch!

The St. Vrain Education Foundation honors the work of teachers across our district through their Celebration of Excellence Teacher of the Year awards!

We are so grateful for Maggie Lynch and her work as a special education teacher in LaunchED Virtual Academy. Ms. Lynch supports students with significant needs and embodies a spirit of compassion and kindness for all of her students and families.

Ms. Lynch will be recognized, along with all other school honorees, at the St Vrain Education Foundation’s Celebration of Excellence event on April 11th at 6:00pm. This event is also open to the public and you can read more about it here: https://www.ticketsignup.io/TicketEvent/2025CelebrationOfExcellence

Congratulations Ms. Lynch!

LaunchED in the News!

Cover of the St Vrain innovation magazine
Picture of the LaunchED article titled Virtually Possible

We are so excited to be a part of this year’s St. Vrain Innovation Magazine! This magazine contains articles celebrating the incredible work of our school district–and LaunchED was part of a feature sharing the online learning options in our district, and the difference these options have made in students’ lives. You can read more online here (the LaunchED story begins on page: 38): https://issuu.com/svvsd/docs/st._vrainnovation_magazine_2025
Thank you to all of our families and students who shared about their experiences–we are proud of our students and the work we all do in LaunchED!

Spring Testing Information: CMAS & PSAT/SAT

Please see the specific testing information for each grade level. Students in 3rd-8th and 11th grade take CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success); 9th and 10th graders take the PSAT; and 11th graders take the SAT. Please see each link below for more information:

3rd: https://forms.gle/dVAZTFkXGikMHqYT6

4th: https://forms.gle/fNJrBrmn8LUF4Lie7

5th: https://forms.gle/miz951sVELq2WvUM8

6th: https://forms.gle/QeA3DEUCoUZQymFL8

7th: https://forms.gle/GNqzFsHzxg9GKPfJ8

8th: https://forms.gle/k7wgapLyx1h8xghK9

9th: https://forms.gle/ehCPDbwfGRXGvHZy5

10th: https://forms.gle/ehCPDbwfGRXGvHZy5

11th: https://forms.gle/1zXVKV2ReB7BwrZL8

Flyer for the Spring Reading Challenge
Flyer for the Spring Reading Challenge

Picture of a student looking at a computer screen with the words enroll now for Launched kindergarten

March Battle of the Books is Back!


Its that time of year where students in LaunchED nominate their favorite books! We build a bracket with the top nominations, then these books battle it out with students voting each week to narrow it down until we have our top 2. We invite students from all of our grades to participate (students in K-2 might need a little help accessing the form and filling it in): https://forms.gle/6qRzVE4oeZGquQ8T9 (nominations due by Monday, March 17th )

Flyer for Letter Jackets now available from Skazma.

Letter Jackets are now available for students in LaunchED!

Did you letter in a sport at your neighborhood school? Or, did you receive an academic letter with LaunchED? You can now purchase your letter jacket! This is an optional item for students, and we wanted you all to let you know it is now available. You can reach out to Skazma at 720-340-4326 with any questions!

Attention Students! Please update your iPad!

We have received many calls in the office with iPad tech issues that are easily fixed with an iOS update on your iPad. Please make sure that your iOS is updated to at least 18.1. (Directions for updating the iOS). If you need help with this update, please reach out to our office staff at 303-702-8800!

Update from the Health Office

Please see the important information from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ECy4mrBdQRlkPiEet_fjTdr3s5YkDDdZ/view?usp=sharing

Consulte la información importante del Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Colorado. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v6AuilvOXfQ2jh0Yi_8FE6P54Czm5iD8/view?usp=sharing

Please see info for the St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Resource Fair, where
families of students with disabilities can connect with a wide
array of community resources and external agencies, fostering
valuable opportunities for support and collaboration. 

LaunchED Virtual Academy