Welcome Back LaunchED Virtual Academy! Please see the newsletter below with all of the important information about the start of the school year!

🚀 August 5th: LaunchED Blast Off!
🚀 August 13th: First day of School for 1st-5th, 6th, and 9th grades
🚀 August 14th: First day of School for 7th-8th and 10th-12th
🚀 August 15th: First day of school for Kindergarten

LaunchED Back to School Blast Off! (For Full-Time LaunchED Students)

Picture with four photos including a teacher smiling with a student, two students holding up orange library cards and smiling, a student holding a blue bag and speaking with two teachers, and a student holding up her fingers to show her age.

Join us Monday, August 5th for the LaunchED Blast Off! at the SVVSD Innovation Center

This event takes place at the SVVSD Innovation Center at 33 Quail Road in Longmont, CO.

This back-to-school event for our students will be the opportunity to do the following:

  • Take your school picture and receive your school ID!
  • Pick up your NEW iPAD and charger! (Please bring your old iPad and chargers to exchange)
  • Meet your classroom teacher (elementary) and your advisory teachers (middle and high school)!
  • Connect with your new principal, Dr. Ann Reed, and our amazing admin and counseling team!
  • Explore the SVVSD mobile innovation lab!
  • Participate in a fun back-to-school photo booth!
  • Meet other students and families in LaunchED!

Please see the schedule below for when you should attend (note–these times are when the teachers from those grade levels will be available). You can come when it works for your family if you have students in multiple levels.

9:00-11:00amElementary Students (K-5th)
12:00-2:00pmMiddle School Students (6th-8th)
2:00-4:00pmHigh School Students (9th-12th)

Please call our office at 303-702-8800 if you have any questions!

Attention New Students to LaunchED!

Please join our LaunchED admin and counseling team for a new student webinar to help you feel prepared for the start of school in LaunchED! Whether you are taking one class with LaunchED or are a full-time student, we are excited to provide these virtual opportunities for you and your family to meet our leaders and be prepared for a great start of the school year!

Please join us at either of these times. If you are unable to join at a live meeting, we will have a recorded webinar available for you to view on your own time.

Wednesday, August 7th from 4:00pm-4:30pm
Link: https://launched.webex.com/launched/j.php?MTID=m3e5e6857b9647b4e13706b9ccbde6833

Friday, August 9th from 10:00am-10:30am
Link: https://launched.webex.com/launched/j.php?MTID=m8bf47863ff2076cabfb9aac24a7f4bdf

LaunchED Virtual Academy