Please see this week’s newsletter for important information about the start of school and what to expect these first few weeks in LaunchED!
Important Dates & Upcoming Events:
Sept 30th-Oct 4: LaunchED Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 9th: NMSQT exam for 11th grade (in-person)
October 9th: Practice PSAT for 9th, 10th ONLINE
October 11th: No school for students
October 14th: No school for students
LaunchED Picture Of the Week

This last week we’ve had our elementary students in our AGILE (Advanced Global Interactive Learning Environments) Classroom in our LaunchED campus both in person and online. This hybrid learning environment allows students to interact in meaningful ways–this picture captures some of our third grade students participating in science in person and interacting with their classmates that were remote!

Check out our STEAM page on our Website. You will be able to see featured news, upcoming events, sample student projects and more!

Parent/Teacher Conferences for LaunchED Virtual Academy are the week of Sept 30–Oct 4! We will send out a sign-up link on Tuesday for families to sign up for conferences.
Free & Reduced Education Benefits
Please fill out this form if you and your family would like to apply for Free & Reduced Education Benefits. This family income-based designation will provide support for you and your students for fees and benefits in the school year. This may include reduced cost for iPad insurance, minimal program fees like AP Exam registration costs, and more. You can fill out this form here: https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new?identifier=DCN3CB

Spring CMAS Results
Did your student take the CMAS assessment last year with LaunchED? Scores are now available for pick up at the LaunchED campus. Please call with any questions (303-702-8800).
Gifted and Talented Referrals
Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress. In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.
Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.
The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Link to the Referral form
Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements.
Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]
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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night
Empowering Students to Build a More Accessible Community St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) students are leading the charge for inclusivity and accessibility with the district’s second annual Accessibility Night, scheduled for February 21, 2025, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Innovation Center (33 Quail Road, Longmont). The event is free and open to […]
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Registration for Community Schools Wraparound Pre-K and School Age Summer Camps Opens February 20
Community Schools will open registration for its 2025 summer camps on February 20. The camps provide high-quality and robust summer care for children ages 3–12, offering a range of activities designed to promote learning, play, and exploration in a safe and structured environment. Programs will run from June 2 through August 1, with locations across […]
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